John & Brad kickoff their Friday junior by chatting about this cold weather and how with the warmer weather that we’ve been having here in upstate New York that it has slowed down JP’s progress of getting ready for the winter season. We get kid story time with Brad and how he did in fact take out his A/C unit the week of Halloween. The boys chat about their plans of the weekend and how John is getting ready for one more final ride. John & Brad then get into the juicy gossip with features how Mike Tyson is getting ready for his fight tomorrow on Netflix at AT&T Stadium. The great lengths that Leonardo DiCaprio went to keep his 50th birthday private. We’ve got a very touching story with Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. Demi Moore is upset at Rob Lowe for sharing details of past relationships. After the Shadow saw Nelly in July, he won’t be charged with his situation at a St. Louis casino in August and Lady Gaga is joining the cast of “Wednesday”.