I was born waaayyyy back in 1975 at the Glens Falls Hospital, grew up in Warrensburg and have lived in Glens Falls for the past 16 years with my wife Kathryn along with our three dogs, Abby, DeadPool(OK technically her name is Sadie, but only Kathryn calls her that), and Brutus.
Proud Member of the Class of 1993 from Warrensburg Central School, I tried the whole College thing and it didn’t agree with me.
*3 Favorite Movies:*
“The Godfather”, “DeadPool”(are you surprised? Look at what I named my Chihuahua!) and “Dazed and Confused”
*Hidden Talents:*
I don’t know that I have any “hidden” talents but I like to play my guitar!
*Favorite Place(s) You’ve Visited:*
Nashville Tennessee and Wells Beach Maine are both great places to visit for completely different reasons!
*Songs/Artists You’re Currently Listening To:*
I listen to just about everything these days, but I would probably surprise people to know that two of my favorite current bands are a Bluegrass group out of Canada named “The Dead South” and another Canadian band called “Walk off the Earth”(check out their Youtube channel you won’t be disappointed! Also I’ve really enjoyed Dua Lipa’s stuff lately! I guess you could say that I have a very eclectic taste in music!
*Favorite TV Shows:*
The Boys, Wheel of Time, pretty much any of the ARROWVerse show on the CW, and NCIS: LA
*Favorite Sport Team(s):*
I follow and root for two teams religiously, the Denver Broncos and the Adirondack Thunder!
*Who is someone you admire?*
Tough question. I guess I’d have to say my wife Kathryn, right now she is learning a new job, taking College courses because of said job, and of course, she has to put up with me on a daily basis!
*Tell me three pet peeves?*
Biggest one by far is people who don’t clean up after their dogs while walking them.
Sitting down at a table in a restaurant and then not even seeing a server for over 10 minutes.
Did I mention people who don’t pick up after their pets?
*A typical day like for you at the radio station?*
Everyday is different here at the ranch, but typically I come around 5am to prep for the morning show go on the air from 6am to Noon and then when I get off the air I do the second part of my job here, I run the office and am responsible for scheduling the commercial and generating the invoices.
Flashback to when you were 10 years old. What do you want to be when you
grow up?
Believe it or not, I’ve always wanted to do what I’m doing, being a Radio DJ!
On Sunday mornings, you can usually find me?
Asleep! Just kidding, sort of! Sunday mornings tend to be lazy days around the Pratt household, usually it’s a casual breakfast and cup of coffee with the wife and puppies.
How do you think your colleagues would describe you?
I’m not sure I want to know the answer to that! Seriously I think that they would say that I’m a Jack of all trades that they can rely on when they need to.
Name a few of your daily habits (other than a shower and brushing your
I’d say the main thing I do everyday (other than the typical stuff) is play my guitar for upwards of an hour and I almost always chill in my ‘Cave for a bit in night to decompress.(I like my cave because I have a working Nintendo Entertainment System to play cool retro games like Super Mario Bros and Super Techmo Bowl!)
What do you do at the Radio Ranch?
What don’t I do? I currently am the host of the Hits Hot Breakfast, I’m also the Program Director of Hits 95.9 which means that I format the station, pick the music, and am technically in the charge of the airstaff as well. I also run the office, scheduling the commercials, generating invoices, and other office work kind of stuff!